Moladh nan Eileanan

Lyrics Traditional     

Melody Allan MacDonald


Togaibh fonn is sinn aig cèilidh,

Seinnibh duan an òrain seo;

Molaidh sinn a-nis gach àite,

Dh’fhàg sinn thighinn don bhaile seo.


Dh’fhàg mi-fhèin an t-eilean ìosal,

Far am faigh thu sàmhchair ‘s sìth;

Chan eil àite ann air thalamh,

‘S fheàrr na eilean uainThirìdh.


Molaidh mise an t-Eilean Muileach,

Le a bheanntan àrd ‘cur sgàil;

Eilean Ì nach mòr mo thlachd dha,

‘S Tobar Mhoire aig bun an t-sàil.


‘S e ‘n t-Eilean Ileach ‘s fhiach a mholadh,

Eilean grianach fallain rèidh;

‘S ann a chrìochnaichainn mo làithean,

Am bothan beag aig taobh an t-slèibh.


Càit am faic thu àitcho maiseach,

Beanntan mòr am measg a’ cheò;

Eilean Sgitheanach mo dhùthchais,

Chuirinn fàilt ort ‘seinn dhuit ceòl.


Seinnidh mi mu eilean Leòdhais,

Eilean fraoich tha ‘s an taobh tuath;

Steòrnabhagh, am baile bòidheach,

Far an cluinn thu òrain luaidh.













In praise of the Islands

Lyrics Traditional     

Melody Allan MacDonald


Raise a tune when at a Ceilidh

Sing this song

We will now praise each place

We left in order to come to this town


I myself left the low island

Where you will get peace and quiet

There is nowhere else on earth

Better than the green isle of Tiree


I will praise the Isle of Mull

With its high hills casting shadow

Isle of Iona, great is my love for it

And Tobermory at the edge of the ocean


The Isle of Islay is worth praising

A sunny, healthy flat island

That is where I’ll end my days

In a little hut beside the hill


Where will you see a place so lovely

High hills among the mist

The Isle of Skye my heritage

I would welcome you singing music to you.


I’ll sing about the Isle of Lewis

The isle of heather in the north

Stornoway the lovely town

Where you will here waulking songs