Don Stiùbhard
air dha bhith fàgail a “Fusilier”
Lyrics Angus MacPhail
Melody Kenneth Thomson
Mo shoraidh
leis an àrmunn,
Tha ‘n diugh a’ dol
gar fàgail;
Mo dhùrachd, guidheam slàn leis,
Gach taobh gu bràth a ghabhas e.
Bho Chanàil a’Chrìonain,
A dh’ionnsaich Inn na “Teapot”,
Bha iomadh tè san tìr sin,
A bhiodh a’strì
ri d’leannanachd.
Gur iomadh caileag bhòidheach
‘S a’ Chorpaich, ‘s anns an Òban,
Bha dèidheil air bhith còmhla riut,
‘S do phòg
air bhlas na meala leò’.
Bha thu flathail, fialaidh,
Gach dòigh ‘san deanadh d’iarraidh;
Sìobhalta nad bhriathran,
‘S cha chualas nàmh ri casaid thu.
Bha thu uasal, sìobhalta,
‘S cha robh do chridhe spìocach;
Bu mhaith thoirt seachad “pinnt” thu,
Gu leigheas chinn ‘s na madainnean.
Gu bàtaichean an iar-dheas
A dh’fhalbh thu bhuainn
am bliadhna,
A chum ‘s gum biodh tu ‘riaghladh
‘S a’cumail rian air Sasannaich.
To the Steward on leaving the “Fusilier”
Lyrics Angus MacPhail
Melody Kenneth Thomson
My farewell to the hero
Who is going to leave us today
My wish that he will be healthy
Wherever he may go
From the
Towards the Teapot Inn
Many a girl in that land
Would be fighting for your love!
Many a beautiful girl
In Corpach, and in Oban
Was keen to be with you
Your kiss had the taste of honey for them
You were heroic and generous
In anything you were asked to do
Courteous in your speech
And an enemy was never heard to accuse you
You were noble and courteous
Your heart was not mean-spirited
You were good at serving a pint
To heal a sore head in the mornings.
To the boats of the South West
You went away from us this year
So that you can be ruling
And keeping the English in order!