An t-Eilean Àlainn

Lyrics Angus MacTavish       Melody Ian Thomson



Ceud mile fàilte don eilean àlainn,

Ceud mile fàilte don àite bhòidheach;

Ceud mile fàilte do Mhuile àlainn,

Far an d’fhuair mi m’àrach an làithean m’òige.


Chan ann gun sòlas ar làithean m’òige,

Cha tàinig bròn ann am choir san àm sin;

Bu bheir mi còmhla ri cuideachd òigridh,

A chluich gu spòrsail san dòigh a b’annsa.


A b’àlainn riamh leam na coilltean grianach,

‘S am faighte ‘n eunlaith bu bhreagha na chèilidh;

A’ chuthag liathghorm ‘s a’ chòisir sgiathach,

Ri ceòl cho ciatach ‘s an òg-mhios Chèitein.


‘S ged tha mi ‘m aonar ‘s mi fad ‘o m’ dhaoine,

Gu bràth cha chaochail mo ghaol don àitud;

Tìr bhòidheach, chraobhach nam beann ‘s nan aonach,

‘S mo dhùil bhith daonnan gum faodainn tàmh ann.


The Beautiful Island


A hundred thousand welcomes to the beautiful isle

A hundred thousand welcomes to the lovely place

A hundred thousand welcomes to beautiful Mull

Where I was raised in my youth


Our days of youth were not without happiness

No sadness came near me at that time

I was along with young company

Playing happily in the usual way


I always loved the sunny woods

Where the birds were found in lovely company

The blue-grey cuckoo and the winged choir

Making lovely music in the month of May


And though I am alone and far from my people

Never will my love for that place die

Lovely wooded land of bens and slopes

And my intention is always to live there