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Local Mod - Isle of Mull UK
Ṃd; a meeting, an assembly Ionadach; local, provincial An Drẹlluinn; an old name for the island of Mull
Established 1938

The Mull Mod will take place on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th September 2024 (The dates advertised in the program were a misprint; apologies for any confusion.)

Entries are now open! We have aligned our entry system with the National Mod system. Please submit your entries and music online at https://mull.ancomunn.co.uk/ If you have any problems please contact donna@mullmod.org.uk

A Mull sunset
Ṃd Ionadach na Drẹlluinn is the cultural feast of Gaelic music and song which takes place in September every year in Tobermory. It encourages the use and development of the Gaelic language and music through solo, choral, oral and instrumental competitions. Local residents and visitors alike are thrilled to hear the Gaelic language brought to life through ancient and modern songs and bardachd (poetry) and also the use of the language in conversation.

See the 'About the Ṃd' section for history of the event.

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Donna Dugdale, Secretary, 4 Rockfield Road Tobermory PA75 6PN enquiries@mullmod.org.uk
Janet MacDonald , Chairperson, Cnoc na Sgillin Tobermory PA75 6QA 01688 302351 chairperson@mullmod.org.uk
Carol MacLean, Treasurer, 8 Morven Drive, Tobermory PA75 6AH 01688 302760 treasurer@mullmod.org.uk

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