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Local Mod - Isle of Mull UK
Mòd; a meeting, an assembly Ionadach; local, provincial An Dreòlluinn; an old name for the island of Mull

Results for Mull Mod are available here Next year's deadline will be 10th June 2025, for the mod on the 12th and 13th of September. Thank you all for your ongoing support.

If you are struggling to meet the deadline please e-mail donna@mullmod.org.uk Late entries may not be accepted, or entered into the program, but we will try to be accommodating.

For school/large group entries, although we would prefer each entry to be put through the new system, please see the "bulk entries" form at the bottom of this page if that causes a problem for you.

Please note we have changed our competition numbers to align with the National Mod as much as possible. For competitions which do not have an equivalent at the National Mod, we have mostly used M as the key symbol. (M for Mull!)

Syllabuses for the 2024 Mòd

Click here for the Junior Syllabus       Click here for the Senior Syllabus
Prescribed music for Comp. 24a - Leanabh an Aigh and Prescribed music for Comp. 24b - An t-Eilean Muileach

The entry system will open soon. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information.

For the postal bulk entry form, please click here


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Donna Dugdale, Secretary, 4 Rockfield Road Tobermory PA75 6PN enquiries@mullmod.org.uk
Janet MacDonald , Chairperson, Cnoc na Sgillin Tobermory PA75 6QA 01688 302351 chairperson@mullmod.org.uk
Carol MacLean, Treasurer, 8 Morven Drive, Tobermory PA75 6AH 01688 302760 treasurer@mullmod.org.uk